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The Magical Tat of Pehr: Chapter 9

“Dear Lord, You have designated me as an instrument, to make a difference. Lead me to probe the source of darkness. Arm me with the mindset necessary to pursue and make amends, as you see fit. Through Jesus’ name. Amen.” I prayed softly.

Reb and I sat there, on alert, for five minutes.

In the distance, we saw movement. From behind the dumpster, around the bakery on the west court square, there slithered a shadow. As he began walking across the gravel parking area, we were indubitably clear he was of the devil. Armed with the power of God, we crossed the street and stood on the sidewalk. Anticipating an encounter.

His aura of overtones was sensed even from the distance. Any colors in his color wheel were muted, only gloomy drabness.

Reb began to growl unreservedly. Stroking his head, I said, “Easy boy, I feel it, too. Listen to me, Reb.”

As the rogue figure lumbered toward us, I was fixated on him. Reb’s attention was on the dumpster. As the deranged soul was getting closer, Reb broke away, leash in tow. Straightaway to the dumpster, he ran. My concentration could not be broken. Honestly, I wasn’t looking forward to eye contact. We were aware of his vile ungodliness even from a distance. He briskly picked up his pace when he saw Reb dart away to the dumpster. As I started toward him, he began to scuttle. He was steadily gazing my way. Though vigilant, my stare was locked upon him.

Then as he was crossing the sidewalk, not ten feet from where I stood, he and I met stares. The colors were abhorrent. He continued into the road in an attempt to escape.

The middle-aged man in the white utility truck didn’t have any reaction time. This deviant lunged forward and was drawn underneath. His brakes squalled as he tried to prevent running him over with the back wheels. He hopped out of the truck screaming, ” Oh my God! I didn’t even see him, I swear!” This poor man was visibly shaken. He had an extremely compassionate aura. He was holding his head down, hand over eyes, as this seemed too much to perceive. I stood beside him and put my arm around him. He seemed instantly soothed. He calmed, the shaking ceased. We walked to the bench, we sat silently until the police arrived.

Reb! I had to find him! I rushed around the bakery, and to the dumpster. Behind the dumpster, there sat Reb, licking the face of a badly beaten boy. A short piece of blood covered board lay about five feet away. Reb’s whining had reached an ear piercing decible. Without even having to call for help, an ambulance and police car arrived.

They saw me kneeling down beside the boy, checking for breath. The paramedics took over. After stabilizing, they loaded his pitiful body into the ambulance and rushed to Children’s Hospital Of Mobile.

The officers wanted a statement, so I gathered Reb’s leash. We scooted into the back of the squad car and headed to the station in downtown Mobile. While there, I told the officers about this strange man. He had leaned into the truck as a means of self-execution. Purposely leaving out my interpretation of his color wheel, and the spine chilling sensation brought on by his aura.

The blood splattered board, would provide enough forensic evidence of what I already knew. Swift justice, in this case, came in the form of a white utility truck. Although he was not pronounced dead until he arrived at the hospital. I knew he had passed. The repulsiveness, exuding from him subsided as the tires rolled over his body.

We finished our interview with the detective and were walking down the hall to the exit. Coming our way, was the man from the utility truck, there to give his statement. We stopped and formally introduced ourselves. He shook my hand and genuinely thanked me for my kindness. “Pay it forward, my friend.” was all I said as we met eyes.

His color wheel revealed an almost blinding array of beautiful colors! Brilliant colors, only a tincture of grey in small lines between the glowing allure of vibrant tones. He patted Reb on the head as he proceeded toward the interrogation room.

The following morning Lonny dropped by for coffee. We were on the porch enjoying our brew when Reb came clopping up the porch steps, morning paper in his mouth. He sat wagging his tail, wanting to be acknowledged. Lonny said, “Wow, Reb, Good boy!” He dropped the paper at Lonny’s feet. As he unrolled the paper, he saw Reb pictured with the officer from the scene. Lonny’s look of shock and awe brought a big grin to my face.

He said, “The front page of the Mobile Register! What did you do?” He read about the unidentified boy behind the dumpster, discovered by a black lab mutt, named Reb, now a hero. The perpetrator was hit by a vehicle while fleeing and later died at Mobile Providence. Divinely Appropo.,

The Magical Tat of Pehr: Chapter 8

“Dear Sovereign God of the Universe, I pray for courage and wisdom to carry out your plan. Thank you, dear Lord, for choosing me for your service. Just as you knew Jeremiah even before you formed him in the womb, you knew me, dear God. You set me apart, as well. I am deeply grateful, and will do whatever I am called to do., Please empower me. in Jesus name, AMEN!” I prayed, wholeheartedly. Sitting on a bench where Orion and Rigel used to sit right next to me, or on my lap. They were not here in body, but I can feel their spirit.

It had been two months since my confrontation with the bully, Justin Wells. Every day I come to the pier to pray and meditate. Physically, I am transforming. Marvelous changes, body and soul, since the Orion Constellation was inked upon my back. A ravenous avidity for eating and a rigorous exercise routine is helping muscle cover bones. Mama Kate would be so proud. Still not sure what any future assignments will require. All I can do is pray, and pray often. This is God readying me to be commissioned.

Tonight Auggie is bringing Reb to stay awhile. He’s going to Tennessee for a visit with his mother, Maybel, and sister, Jean. Miss Maybel’s health has been on a steady decline following Mama Kate’s death.

Reb is a mutt, a black lab mix. He is a very large boy. A big ole baby when he has a vet check. Auggie always asks me along to help hold him still, and keep him calm. Reb listens to me. He is almost ten now. I used to beg Mama Kate to ask Auggie to give him to me. Truth be known, that was his plan all along.

When Auggie first brought Reb over, I was eight years old. Our dog, Queenie, had passed away only six months before. She had been my Mama’s dog. When Mama Kate inherited me, she got Queenie, too. She was a German Shepard. Mama Kate said Queenie grieved for days after Ruth died.

Auggie brought me home from the hospital. As he placed me in my crib, Queenie was sniffing and jumping to get a peek of me. She lay down beside my crib and didn’t budge. She knew I belonged to Ruth. I was her new charge. We were inseparable up until she died. My world came falling down. Queenie was my best friend. As bad as I took this, I know it was much harder on Mama Kate. When Auggie came along with Reb, she said she didn’t have it in her to raise a puppy. Although, we knew Queenie’s death had taken an enormous portion of her heart.

Since my calling, people were seen as color wheels. If I made eye contact, I could get a picture of their color wheel. It would even send positive or negative vibrations that I felt to the core of my soul. Everyone’s colors vary. Some very bright with very little drearily dull tones. Others, not quite as vivid, with drab tones intermittently mingled. The bully, Justin Wells, had a color wheel with pleasing colors that were lackluster. Contrasted by the most soul-chilling dimness imagined. Would I ever get a glimpse of the Thacker twin’s color chart? Am I being used to promote kindness, thus brightening the color wheels of those within my scope? So very much to absorb! Nevertheless, I was feeling stronger every day. Stronger in mind, body, and spirit. I’m up to the task!

I set out on my evening walk, Reb, dog trotting alongside. The city square was only a mile and a half from my house. Normally, I walk to the square, loop around, and walk home. As Reb and I approached the south side of the square, I began to receive vibes I can only describe as highly malevolent. Reb instigated a growl, although soft, a guteral grumble.

Reb hopped on the bench at the corner, still snarling. I sat down and began to pray.

The Magical Tat of Pehr: Chapter 7

My tattoo from the sketch I drew this afternoon and the one planned for me were the same.  Exactly the same.  The Orion Constellation.  Inspired by Orion and Rigel, my dear pet cranes.  Now, I knew they were more than just pets.  They were really angels in the form of long-legged, long-necked birds, sent from heaven to prepare me for this role.   So many years of joy on that pier, feeding those cranes!  When I was on that dock with those birds, I felt a sense of well being.  Mama Kate always told me to be kind. there are angels among us.

As I lay face down on the table, Z began to fill my skin with the most magical ink. The pain had never felt so right.  I know it is only a symbol of what is happening to me right now.  But with it, I am strengthened and empowered.  If not for Orion and Rigel, I might not have been chosen.

I was on that table for only two hours.  I raised from the table and was given a mirror to admire the divinely inspired artwork.  It was absolutely flawless.  Upon leaving, Z told me I would affect many lives with that tattoo.  Mulling around in my head was the magnitude of it all.  Would I be able to handle being used by God for a specific purpose?  Would I know what to do?  These answers would come to me.  And I was ready for the call.

Driving home, I realized there was no mention of money.  I had not paid or been asked to pay.  Oh well, I would go back tomorrow and talk to Z.  I wanted to pick his brain as well. There had to be a reason he knew about the Orion Constellation.  But now, I need to sleep.

Waking up to birds chirping, and sun radiating through my window.  I dressed, grabbed a couple of oatmeal cookies, a cup of coffee, and headed out to Z’s.  When I arrived, I parked in the same spot as the night before.  As I headed down the alley, it seemed different somehow.  When I got to the door, there was no sign saying, “Zhau Llu’s Ink”.  In fact, there was no trace whatsoever of a tattoo parlor.  Nothing!  It disappeared without a trace!  This was falling into place.  Rather than being alarmed.  I just knew. I was going to be alright.  Peace was with me.  Knowledge was being sent.  I’ve never been more ready for this.  Life had a purpose.

Wondering if I would be used right away, or if I had more to learn was answered almost immediately.  Pulling into the main street, I noticed two young boys being followed by an older boy.  I pulled into a parking spot.  As they walked past me,  A sensation came over me. I felt fear, the fear I had when the Thacker boys were after me.  I was channeling the fear felt by the boys walking in front of my parking spot.  Then as the bigger boy walked past, I felt a feeling of sadness, mixed with darkness.  A feeling I had never felt before.  I knew at once the younger boys were scared of the older boy.

Getting out of my car, I called out to the older boy.  Sensing I knew what he had planned, he turned and ran across the street.  Barely missing being hit by a truck.  I yelled out again and the boy turned to look at me.  “Hey fella, I just want to talk.”  He turned and started walking toward me.  Relieved I didn’t have to chase him down, I motioned for him to sit on the bench beside me.  I was going to get his story.  I would make sure he never bullied anyone.

As he sat next to me, I  said, “Hey buddy, why did you run from me?”  He just shrugged his shoulders.  I asked him if he knew the boys walking ahead of him.  He, again, just shrugged his shoulders.  What he didn’t know, was that I knew.  I knew what he was going to do to those boys.  It was much worse than anything that the Thackers had ever done to me.  His evil vibrations were easy to read.  If someone’s character was a color wheel, with bright colors depicting good, and dull drab colors depicting evil, his color wheel would be predominantly dull and drab.

What’s your name, boy? I said.  He started to shrug his shoulders but met my stare. Hoping he could tell I was reading his soul, I leaned forward.  He stuttered, “My nah nah nah name is Juh Juh Justin Weh Weh Weh Wells.”  “So, Justin Wells, what would you say if I told you I knew what you have been doing to those boys, and others?’  I asked. He stared at me, eyes wide.  “Justin, you have a story, I’m sure. Is your home life bad?  Are you being mistreated?”  I asked.  He looked down, then said, “My dad ye ye yells and beats mmm mmm me.  um, uh uh uh li li li live with mmm mmm my mom.”

At that point, I was seeing more light from his color wheel.  He was a victim turned bully.  Maybe he could be saved.  I told him I was going to be watching.  He was visibly shaken by our encounter. Probably divine intervention.  He got up and walked away as I sat there wondering if I had passed the first test.

When I got home, I saw Auggie’s car in the drive.  This time he had pulled into his normal parking spot.  As I came in the door, I smelled chicken, when I rounded the corner, I saw Auggie sitting at the table with a big bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. The one thing Mama Kate never had to beg me to eat.  He said, “Dig in, my boy.”

We talked about Mama Kate, his dog Reb, the weather, and how dang good that chicken tasted. Then I got up, took my shirt off.  Turned to display the magical tat, against my reddened skin.  I couldn’t see his expression, but there was a barely audible gasp.  Then he said, “My boy, when did you get that?”

We went out on the porch where I told Auggie the whole story.  If I could trust anyone with all this, it was Auggie.  Afterward, he didn’t say much.  We stood, as he was about to leave.  He stepped toward me,  to give one of his characteristic bear hugs, and I stepped back. “The tattoo!” I said.  Then shook his hand. He grinned and turned to go.

Thinking about something Mama Kate always said after the Thacker boys pushed me around, “Makes me angry, Pehr, but anger isn’t Godly either.  Jesus would say turn the other cheek. But those boys get right up under my skin!”

It was time for me to meditate on my newfound fate.  God, the universal sovereign, would make it clear.


The Magical Tat of Pehr: Chapter 6

Lonny and I were friends since fifth grade. He moved here from Alaska. We had science together and quickly discovered our mutual love of astronomy. He didn’t live within walking distance to my house. However, Mama Kate was always available to drive him to our house and back during our breaks from school. Actually, he and I shared a Thacker Boys bullying episode when we were thirteen. His father was absolutely furious, although we only had a few minor scratches. That night I prayed he wouldn’t call their father. To my knowledge, he never did. I’m sure Lonny had something to do with that.

He and I are opposites. He is husky and about five feet seven. His weight has been an issue all his life. A lack of weight has been my problem. His pimpled complexion over the years had left him pockmarked. His mother always cut his hair, one side noticeably shorter than the other. But Lonny has a heart of gold. He never has a spiteful tongue towards anyone.

Entering high school with my thick glasses was not an option. After much pleading with Mama Kate, she agreed to let me get contact lenses. My eyes had improved over the years and my glasses were not as thick as they once were. Switching to contacts improved my looks quite a bit. Mama Kate said, “Your blue-green eyes are smiling Pehr! Pure sunshine to my soul!” She had such a sweet spirit. The kindest woman I’ve ever known.
When I turned seventeen, I finally hit a growth spurt. Mama Kate said, “Sweet boy, you are going to be as tall as your great great granddaddy before this year is up!” I was growing up, but not gaining weight. I had never known my great granddaddy. but I loved him. Mama Kates stories brought him to life. I felt a connection with him.

Aside from the Thackers, most people liked me and loved Mama Kate. It was evident at Mama Kate’s funeral. There was standing room only at the chapel by the bay. She left enough money to last my lifetime. I was rich, however, because of the friends I’d made in Fairston. Lonny, especially. He was by my side through it all. I knew he was saddened by her death, as well, but he was stoic for my sake.

That sad day I came home from running errands, Auggie’s pick up truck was parked askew with the driver’s side door wide open. Curious, and honestly, a little worried, I parked behind his truck. Hurrying in, I heard sobs, and my worry became full blown. I ran through the kitchen, rounded the corner towards her reading room. There I saw Auggie sitting on the floor in front of the couch. Face in hands, sobbing. I startled him when I frantically said, “What is going on?” He stood up and walked over to me, wrapped my small frame with his arms and said softly, “She’s with the Angels, my boy.”

Squirming out of his arms, I ran over to her side and said, “Mama Kate, Mama Kate please wake up! You just gotta wake up!” I laid my head on her sweet chest and matched Auggie tear for tear. “Why Lord? Why now?”

We gathered our composure after a while. Auggie called the funeral home. We sat there together for hours after they drove away with our entire life in that Hearst. We told stories and cried. Finally, around midnight, Auggie went home. He tried to talk me into going to the houseboat. He thought I’d feel so alone here. But I slept on the couch that night sensing her spirit.

As I stood there, spellbound. Z’s drawing brought on a premonition. I was not going to be the same when I left this studio. My life would be different, yet sublime. To be used greatly by the Lord, to transform lives. In a flash before my eyes, I was transformed. The days of being pushed around were over. Mama Kate always taught me there is an extraordinary power available to believers of God. It comes by the spirit. Enlightened, and filled with knowledge and wisdom, from the spirit. Serenity and peace inhabited my soul.

The Magical Tat of Pehr: Chapter 5

The tattoo parlor was in an ally off Tenth street in downtown Mobile. As I parked on the street, I witnessed a possible drug deal going down. The street lights were out except for the one flickering on the corner. As I exited the car, I was taken aback by the strong odor of garbage, and urine. Suffice it to say, I was not in the best part of town. However, I was not afraid. A peace came over my entire body when walking that dark ally. At this point, I couldn’t explain what was happening. But, it was a pleasant change from the tormenting sorrow of the last few days.

I came to the door of the tattoo shop. Hesitated briefly, then opened the door. The smell of incense penetrated every inch of the reception area. It faded as I was led down a hallway by his apprentice. She knew my name, and greeted me as I walked in. She said, ” Mr. Pehr, please follow. I am Chen Li. I will take you to Z.” She took my hand and walked me to the end of the hall and knocked on the door to the right. As Zhau Liu opened the door, the lighting projected an aura around him. This whole experience was beginning to feel bizarre. He introduced himself and asked me to please call him Z.

There was a hypnotic ambiance to this room. An array of posters on the wall, spiral and fluorescent designs set against a black background. A faint smell of incense and classical Chinese music gently spilling from a small speaker hanging in the corner. Z asked if I had a certain design in mind. I’ll have to admit, I was a bit intimidated after seeing the beautiful artwork in the studio. Z was quite an accomplished artist. Certainly more experienced and talented. But, Mama Kate taught me to always appear confident, even when my insides were like jello. So I handed him the sketch I had drawn.

He took my art, without looking he set in on the table beside me, face down. Then disappeared into what appeared to be a closet. When he emerged, he smiled, then passed to me, a piece of sketch paper folded in half. He said, “When you called, I knew exactly what was meant for you. My drawing, It is what is planned for you.” Please open. Not knowing what was on that paper, I had already decided to accept. A calmness washed over me

Her wake was only one day. She planned her funeral years ago. She had it all taken care of down to the songs and scriptures. She made it clear, she wanted to be in the ground as soon as possible after her death. “There is no need to drag it out,” she said, “The living need to get on with living!”

Plans were taken care of so that only left me with trying to muster the courage to view the body and greet people at the wake and funeral. This was still so overwhelming. Turned out to be the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life!

Auggie discovered Mama Kate. When she didn’t answer the telephone, he was alarmed. He tried calling me, but I had the music up, too, loud. He drove over, got out, leaving the door open on his truck. He used his set of keys to open the back door after knocking and ringing the doorbell. He called her name upon entering. As he walked down the hall, he entered her reading room. He saw her there sleeping on the couch, her pink shawl covering her up to her neck. She looked at peace, without a care in the world. He called her name. Knelt down and shook her gently. Her chest wasn’t moving. He checked her pulse, then began to weep.

That day was sunny, and pleasant for a summer day in Fairston. A gentle breeze was blowing the moss in the trees. I was in my newly acquired studio, painting the pussy willow tree in our back yard, with the row of birdhouses Mama Kate had collected over the years.

Taking a break, I decided to sit with Mama Kate for awhile in her reading room. She sat with me sipping her tea as I drank a coke. We talked about the Thacker boys. She said she was so happy that we didn’t have to worry about them. I reminded her they would probably come back to Fairston during their breaks from College. But I assured her I was not afraid. It wasn’t as if I lost sleep worrying about them. It had been almost two years since they ganged up on me. It was the end of August, and I was fishing on the pier. My mind was on Orion and Rigel. It had been two or three days since I last saw them. The twins stormed the deck of the pier, grabbed me by the leg and arms, one on each side. Then tossed me, and my rod and reel over the decking. As I splashed in the water, I managed to save my reel. But climbing up that slippery, barnacle-laden post was a challenge. Eventually, I was able to grasp a plank on the floor of the pier and pull myself to the deck. As I sat, trying to catch my breath, I heard Cam and Devin laughing like hyenas in the distance. At that moment, I was determined to teach them a lesson. All those years of bullying were going to catch up to them! Little did I know, at that time, what an indefectible plan was conceived for them!

Placing her dainty teacup on the end table, she picked up a flowered paper pad and tore out a page. She said, “Pehr, I don’t want to interfere with your art plans, but I really need you to run these errands for me.” I put an arm around her frail shoulders, and said, “Yes, ma’am. You know you can count on me.” In hindsight, I wish I had sat there longer with my arm around her. She smiled at me with a lifetime of love in her eyes. She loved me completely. It made me wonder if my biological mom, Ruth, would have ever measured up to this wonderful woman.

She always prepared enough food, just in case Auggie dropped by. She had hoped I would finally fill out. Many times I heard her say, ” You’re so skinny, you can’t see your shadow! Sweet boy, please eat.” I actually gained some weight in my junior year of high school. Some girls were starting to flirt with me. But I would not find love, not at that point in my life