God’s Grace

The apostle Paul had a physical affliction that was never defined. He prayed for it to “leave him” but God answered, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

2 Corinthians 8-9

8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

We all have something either physical or mental that could be quite a burden without the abundance of God’s grace.

For over 40 years I’ve had a skin disease called Prurigo Nodularis. It has been in and out of remission over the years. Recently I am having a major flare-up. I get nodules under my skin and the entire area is on edge, super sensitive and intensely itchy. It is as if bitten by dozens of mosquitoes, or covered with poison ivy. It leaves me a present of bloody, scabby sores . There are so many that endure this disease with their whole body inflamed. I participate in a Facebook Group for Prurigo Nodularis sufferers. I pray for the individuals, all over the world, who suffer. God’s grace is how I cope.
Prayer is so important. The more I read about the Holiness of God and study his attributes, the more I treasure my time in prayer to him.
My favorite prayer in the midst of a bad itching episode is simply, “You know, dear Lord.” Then I just sit in the silence of his presence. The itch begins to calm down eventually. But even if it takes a while. God’s Grace is giving me strength and endurance. There is so much comfort in knowing that God knows exactly how difficult it is. He KNOWS! My suffering is not in vain. He KNOWS!!! He strengthens me.

What used to be sheer torture is now an opportunity to be one on one with God. My love for God has increased because of my affliction. I praise God for his Grace supplied so generously to me. God is Good! We were made to glorify him! He does not disappoint in supplying his Grace!

New in Christ: Testimony

God saved me in October 2019. From that time on, I belonged to Christ. I praised him as the Lord. I had a desire that burned within to learn more about him. I believe in Christ’s Attonement for our sins. I believe in sola scriptura, the Bible is the sole infallible authority for Christian faith.

Changing and conforming to my new self was a process. One example, my love for alcohol. I dearly loved the calm effect it had on me. I could relax with wine. My problem was depending on wine daily. My tolerance was incredible. God kept tugging at my conscience. I searched scriptures, Christian websites, anything to try and justify my habit. I did not want to give it up, at first. I’m sure there are Christians who can have a glass of wine here and there, and not go overboard. My problem was alcohol dependance. I wanted it to sooth my nerves. To take my mind away from any problems in my life. One day, through prayer, God removed all desire for it. I poured out the remaining wine I had. From that day on, I’ve had no need or want of it. To God goes the glory! I realized I could get a better feeling through Christ. He is my soother and comforter!

My old self was someone who made up a god. I tried to read the Bible, but without the holy spirit, I only was more confused and angry. So, I figured I would just try to be a good person. My god would nor send a good person to hell. I was an idolater. This god in my head was nothing like the God of the Bible. In hindsight, I failed miserably at being a good person. I watched shows that glorified sin. Listened to songs with questionable lyrics. I already mentioned my drinking problem, I was petty, held grudges, and was not always kind. For those who followed my blog, I apologize. So many things I wrote were just wrong. So many ways I treated people was wrong. I’m not saying the new me is perfect. I am not. Sin will be present until glorification. But, being aware of sin, and knowing how God feels about it is shaping me daily! I am acutely aware of sin in my life and boy do I hate it! However, I am repentant whenever I’m aware. Everyday is a challenge to produce fruit.

Amazingly, I can see God’s divine Providence in my entire life. Even before being saved. I look back and see so many times he protected me. His hand has always been upon me. I am so thankful.God chose to save me. I am so grateful! Before being saved, I had no real hope. Yes, I told myself my god would not send me to hell. But truthfully, I didnt even believe in hell, or heaven. I was dead in my sin. After being saved there was no doubt about heaven or hell. It was real! The Holy Spirit was within. I believed! I was going to spend an eternity with God! The best part of going to heaven is to be with God. The more I study of the attributes of God, the more I’m so humbled that he would even save a wretch like me. How Great thou art!

The Magical Tat of Pehr: Chapter 19

The asymmetrical composition of the aura was anomalous. Darkness intertwined with brilliant colors. However, at the forefront, it was beautiful and bright.

Maybe Cam had a connection to God recently. Is he trying to turn his life around?

“Hello Pehr, I was going to call on you this afternoon.” He said. I countered, “I hope that doesn’t mean a butt whooping. ” Blushing, Cam said. ” Aw naw, Pehr. I was coming to apologize. I….uh, I can’t speak for my brother, but I’m a changed man. I want to apologize for all the horrible things we, well mostly I did to you.”

My teeth clenched in the recollection of all those years of emotional and physical torment. A flash of bitterness, followed by a calm only achieved through God. If Jesus forgave his crucifiers, I can forgive Cam.

“Cam, I forgive you,” I said as I reached out to shake his hand.

For the first time since I’ve known him, I saw him smile genuinely.

“What brought on your change of heart, Cam?” I asked.

He said, “Pehr. Would you let me buy you a cup of coffee? I can meet you at the bakery after my haircut.”

I nodded in affirmation. then walked across the street to the bakery. Using the few minutes alone to pray for guidance.

Cam approached, took the hat from his shorn head then slid into the booth. He blew his steaming coffee, took a sip, then began his testimony. “I had bought flowers for Aunt Bess’ grave. As I approached the plot I saw two cranes posted on opposite ends of the gravestone. They remained still as I placed the flowers atop the stone. I sat on the bench beside her grave for over an hour. They didn’t budge. My Aunt Bess truly loved me and Devin. Before she passed she sat us both down and prayed. She wanted us to grow up with a strong belief in God. Well, we both let her down.

The emotions I felt sitting by her graveside brought me to my knees. I knelt by that bench and prayed. I prayed for forgiveness. I prayed he’d make a path for me. A way out of the life of hate. As I prayed the pair of cranes came over and stood, one on each side. A calm moved through me. I was a new man. God’s forgiveness made me feel free. But I knew I should apologize to those I hurt so many times.”

As he talked, tears rolled down his face. He spoke of how the cranes brought comfort. He’d tried to tell Devin about his spiritual conversion. He only laughed and taunted him.

“Cam, thank you for sharing your story with me. I’ll continue praying for you, and Devin.” I said as I got up to leave.

“You know, Pehr, you make me feel calm and at peace. Kinda like those ole cranes.” I smiled and walked out.

Yep, Orion and Rigel.

The Magical Tat of Pehr: Chapter 18

Today Meg was scheduled to be discharged. Her reaction to the news of Ted Bannon’s death was shock, then relief. She apologized for feeling at peace from the death of another. But I had seen the aura, and Ted was not God’s child. All I wanted to do for her now is provide comfort. Remove her unfounded guilt, for in my heart I knew God had taken out her demon.

Due to the new facts in her case, she would regain custody of Ian once she completed rehab for the forced drugs from the demonized biker.

Ted Bannon had dosed her on several occasions, raping her as well. Therapy was going to be available for her. My work here is not quite done. This is something I have to see to fruition.

Leaving the hospital, I prayed aloud for Meg, and Ian. A prayer for healing and a prayer she and Ian accept God.

As I was coming through Fairston, I saw one of the Thacker brother’s walking into the barber shop. I could only see his back but I recognized the build, and that cammo t shirt he’d worn for years. Rarely do you see one twin without the other. Was this a chance for confronting the past abuse?

I pulled into a parking space and waited for him to be placed in the chair.

Praying again, for wisdom to say the right things. Praying to find bright colors intermingled with what I already knew.

From my parking spot, I saw the barber escort him to a chair. As he took off his hat I saw his red tousled hair. Cam Thacker, it was. He was definitely the instigator of the two.

Walking in the shop, I said “Hello Cam”. An awkward situation, as the barber had buzzed off half his hair. Bolting out the door would be a tougher option. Most bullies are cowards, so I thought he might run He didn’t, though he said nothing. As our eyes met, his aura appeared. Praying in silence, “Lord God please provide devine intervention. Help me interpret what I see, Dear lord”.

The Magical Tat of Pehr: Chapter 17

In my dream, Mama Kate was there. Her silvery southern inflections still ringing in my consciousness.

As I sat on the edge of the bed I reflected on her spirit. In her earthly presence, she exemplified Christ. Displaying the fruitage of the spirit in every aspect of her life.

Every day I miss her. But what a gift from God to have her visit in my dreams. It was so real! In every sense, I was embodied by her presence.

When I thought about my recent scuffle with the biker dude, I imagined Mama Kate’s reaction. She would have laid hands on me to pray. “The Lord moves in mysterious ways.” she would say. “But dear lord protect my sweet boy!”

As I was stepping into the shower, my cell phone rang. Already wet, I let it go to voicemail.

This shower would be a quick one as anxiety began to nag me. Was it the hospital? Had something happened to Meg? It had been a week since I last saw Ian. Was he alright?

Getting out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around me. I stepped into the bedroom and hurridly grabbed my phone.

Opening my voicemail, I heard this message, “Hello Mr.Lucas- Pierce. This is Detective Laramie from Mobile County P.D.. Could you please come downtown. Ted Bannon was found dead in his cell. We just want to see if you have any information, or would accompany us when we question Meg. She trusts you. Thank you. Any questions, call me at the station. ”

“Dead?” I thought. “The devil doesn’t kill himself.!”

Scrambling for clean clothes, I grabbed my freshest previously worn pair of Khakis and a clean blue polo.

“I’m Pehr Lucas-Pierce. I’m here to see Detective Laramie.” I said to the desk clerk. “Have a seat. I’ll notify him that you’re here,” she replied.

Detective Laramie walked out and escorted me to his office. Once there, I poured on the questions., “How did he die? Does Meg know? Did he hang himself?”

“He had a poorly wrapped bag of his preferred dope shoved up his rectum. He died of an overdose. I think the lab will determine it to be heroin and fentanyl. I haven’t told Meg. I’d like to go see her, with you, after our chat.” He answered.

“Why would he hide it when a needle full was taken from him?” I wondered.

“Cameras revealed he went straight to the men’s room after entering the hospital. A syringe cap was found on the floor. That is apparently where he prepared the drugs to inject in Meg. He was careless in wrapping the second dose, then crammed it hastily back into, ahhem, his rear compartment. ” the detective explained.

He was seizing when found, but never recovered.

This was a lot to take in. In a way, poetic justice had been served.

The Magical Tat of Pehr: Chapter 16

Frantically my eyes scanned for the door to the stairs. Adrenaline pumping, I leapt up each flight, as if I could fly. When I reached the third floor I burst through the door and ran down the long hall. The guard was talking to someone at Meg’s door. As I approached, a dark and nasty aura arose above the person engaging the security guard. The situation was escalating. The louder, and more belligerent this individual became, the more putrid the colors above.

Standing only ten feet away I saw the biker with flowers in one hand, helmet in the other. He told the guard he was going in, the easy way or the hard way.

I stepped around the corner and asked one of the nurses to call for back up.

As I returned, this evil man had thrown the flowers and helmet down. He was trying to overpower the guard. I prayed for God’s help. Then jumped in the skirmish.

Meg was crying. “Don’t let him in!” Her sobbing and screaming echoing in the corridor.

I grabbed his arms from behind and held tight. The guard was able to cuff him though he fought aggressively. The backup arrived and took the offender into custody.

I asked if I could talk to Meg. Who was still wailing and rocking to and fro on her bed. The guard walked me in.

Meg stopped rocking and wiped away her tears. She looked at me and asked, ” How’s Ian, is he alright? Aren’t you that guy? The one claiming to be his protector? You have to keep him away! He put those needles in my arm! Please don’t let him near Ian!”

“It is all going to be fine. He’s in jail now. Calm down, Meg. I will see justice is served for you, and Ian. Were you drugged against your will?”

“Your name is Pehr, like a pear?”

I nodded in affirmation.

“He found us. I dont know how, but he did. I was clean two years. All I thought about was Ian! Then he barges in saying I’m still just a junkie hooker nobody will ever want. He said I’d come crawling back. But no! I don’t want that life. I’m Ian’s mom. That’s what I want.” She said, still blubbering.

“Don’t worry; Meg;” I said. “Do you believe in God?”

“She said, ” I want to. I really want to.”

“Pray, Meg. God is real” I said, then turned and left.

On the way out I was stopped by the guard. He said, ” His name is Paul Bannon. He had a needle with heroin laced with fentanyl in his vest pocket Of course the lab will have to verify. I’m pretty sure this guy has some serious charges against him.”

I sighed in relief. Thank you lord!